LP New York: an observation Sound Paintings
NOTICE you can pick up the delivery from RUBY LIPS SOUNDS shop Sörnäinen, Helsinki, send email in that case ninel.gtu@gmail.com. Upcoming LP, printed inner sleeve contains lyrics with drawings by Tomi Christiansson, contains loadable digital version too. The songs, lyrics and chords are written 17.3-26.3.2023 during a visit to New York. They are recorded at Cassandra´s Private Room Gateway, in heart of Brooklyn, 150 Hull Street, Brooklyn, NY 11233, U.S. Beside instruments and vocals, the recordings contains sounds from streets, subways, parks etc.. recorded during long walks from Ocean Hill, Brownsville to Manhattan and back. From the seed of the Big Apple an embryo is starting to grow taking in sounds and rhythms hectic, abrupt moves collage of languages, both human and animal, forming out an image of surroundings. An information flood of such magnitude, nourishes its fertile mind, picking up pieces here & there, collecting a memory bank of richness and plentitude. Building up on knowledge connecting loose ends pushing and pulling plugs on the operating board. New York observation. As the time reserved on this quantum leap of a growing span is very limited the new genre baby´s counted time is already just around the corner knocking on the door. It is also digitally available at https://matildamotherband.bandcamp.com/ album/new-york-an-observation-vol-1-sound-paintings. NOTICE you can pick up the delivery from RUBY LIPS SOUNDS shop Sörnäinen, Helsinki, send email in that case ninel.gtu@gmail.com