Have you ever tasted MISO? Miso is one of the essential seasonings in Japanese cuisine. In this workshop, you will know the secret of miso (What is miso made from, how it is made and how to cook with Miso etc…) and MAKE YOUR OWN MISO!!
Don't miss this delicious and fun workshop where you can experience the depth of fermentation and Japanese food culture!
Date & Time : SAT. 15.03 / 12:30 (duration 3 hours)
PLACE:HACHI Japanin Markkinat (Punavuorenkatu 4, 00120 Helsinki)
What you need to bring:Apron, 2 bowls, masher(potato masher or ricer, any kind you have at home), bag for bringing back miso
*You can bring home about 400-500g your own Miso with you!
*The seats are limited to 10 people
*Kids are welcome! Please make sure to have adult help.
Minaë Tani-LaFleur (a.k.a Nenasimon) Fermentation enthusiast, certified “Kikizakeshi” Japanese saké sommelier, social entrepreneur, food activist and helpless foodie! Minaë moved to Finland in 2017 with her partner from the USA.Her partner’s academic research on sustainable food systems opened her eyes on traditional food knowledge and drove her to promote knowledge from home kitchens around the world through co-working platform Zestii Kitchens she co-founded.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask:japanese.workshops.infi115@gmail.com
日時:3月15日(土)12:30 (親子の部)(約3時間)
会場:HACHI Japanin Markkinat(Punavuorenkatu 4, 00120 Helsinki)にて
谷 美奈江 (ねなしもん) 2017年よりフィンランド在住の唎酒師/料理人。持続可能な食糧システムの研究者であるパートナーに触発され、伝統的な食の知恵に興味を持つようになる。自ら発酵、日本の食文化、家庭料理の知恵を深掘り・発信するかたわら、同じように食を仕事にしたい人たちとの協働プラットフォーム Zestii Kitchens を設立中。