5.4. 14:30–16:00 The Fascial Matrix Workshop

€25.00 Incl. VAT 14.00%
Product description

This ticket contains The Fascial Matrix Workshop on Saturday 5th of April (14:30 – 16:00) with Leta LaVigne.

Let’s dive into the matrix of fascia and explore the physical and energetic properties of this remarkable biologic fabric that touches everywhere in our bodies.

This 90 minute workshop will consist of lecture plus a few experiential exercises to help us embody a deeper understanding of the this 3D fascial net that plays a vital role in so many aspects of our being and wellbeing.

  • Fascia and its types and functions
  • Fascia and flexibility
  • Fascia, emotions and nervous system resilience
  • Fascial streams as conduits of chi flow (Meridian channels)
  • Techniques for nourishing and freeing the fascial matrix
  • Learn some of the latest fascia science & research
  • Bonus: why yin yoga teachers are obsessed with fascia

This workshop is for everyone with a body but may be of special interest to yoga teachers and practitioners, sports and fitness enthusiasts, body workers and the like. Come and gain a clearer understanding of this “trending” tissue along with many tips for fascial fitness! For more details, visit: Shen Garden event page