Fairytale Forest audiobooks: Adalmina's pearl

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Product description

Adalmina's pearl is a Finnish Fairytale classic about princess Adalmina and a magic pearl given to her by the Fairy godmothers. Based in detail on the original story of Zacharias Topelius.

Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who had a little girl, and because she was a daughter of the king she was called a princess. Her name was Adalmina and she was an only child of her parents, and because of that they adored her so much, almost too much.

When princess Adalmina was christened there were two good fairies invited to be the god mothers, one of them Red, the other one Blue, which is the way of regals of fairytales. And both of those fairies did not forget either to give gifts to the little princess from their both.

The Red Fairy gave her a big, pure pearl – so unparalleled in beauty that equal to it had never been seen. And the pearl was followed by three fine gifts.

“Now listen”, said the fairy, ”as long as Adalmina carries the pearl with her, she will become more beautiful, more rich and more intelligent day by day. But if she misplaces her pearl then she incorrigibly misplaces those three gifts of hers at the same time: her beauty, her riches and her intelligence. She will not gain back these until she has gained her pearl again.” [...]

Downloadable mp3-file

Length: 27 minutes

Age group: 5-9-year-old and grown-ups

Illustration: Tomas Heinonen

ISBN 9789527556818

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