Fairytale Forest audiobooks: Willow tit's dream

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Product description

Willow tit's dream is a contemporary tale about a friendship of a willow tit and a hummingbird written by Elina Huttunen, the founder of Fairytale Forest.

Above a dark green moss tussock, on a thick branch of an evergreen, sang a humble Willow tit, all by itself. “Tyy-tyy-tyy” it sang full of hope, because summer had just arrived in its home forest. Warm wind was blowing in the air and above a sprig roof, the sky was as blue as the blue could ever be apart from few white, fair clouds floating across the sky.

Willow tit was a colourless little bird and it did not attract a lot of attention in its surroundings most of the time. Its coat was black and grey and white and it had a little black beak, and with it Willow tit mended every now and then its little nest that was located in its home forest in a tree fallen some decades ago and now decaying. And to its soft trunk its beak was like made of.

Its black, little bright eyes were watching the surroundings curiously and it was always ready for adventures, although no one ever asked it to join on their adventures, because it was only a tiny and simple Willow tit.

Willow tit sang praise not only for summer and to mellow warm winds and sunshine arriving along with it but also about joys that had thrilled it’s little heart lately. And about a great longing, although for a human ear it sounded only a plain bird singing in the woods. [...]

Downloadable mp3-file

Length: 22 minutes

Age group: 5-9-year-old and grown-ups

Illustration: Kirsi-Marja Moberg

ISBN 9789527556764

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