Etäneuvontapalvelu tarjolla puhelimitse tai videoyhteyksin (Teams/Google Meet). Palvelukielet suomi, englanti ja ruotsi. Tulkki on mahdollista saada maksusta tai asiakasta oma tulkki ottaa mukaanpuheluun/videoneuvotteluun. 65€/30MIN
The service includes adcisory services and councelling on telephone or in a video meeting (Teams / Google Meet). In this remote counseling, the client receives answers to his/her questions, written instructions, follow-up measures and a summary of the issues covered during the counseling. On the remote advice and guidance meetings we can fill in forms and applications, write requests for corrections or answer to Migration Services supplement requests, call the authorities together or book a doctor's appointment. Lupanainen can help you understand the authority's decision or find out which services you are entitled to. If you're unsure in what kinds of matters Lupanainen can help you, book first 20min consultation and on that Lupanainen can tell you if she's the right person helping in your situation or if she isn't, where you'll get help to your questions/challenges. Service languages Finnish, English and Swedish. It is possible to have an interpreter for an extra fee or to ask your own interpreter to join us in the call / video conference. 65€/30min