✅ The Salsa Musicality training. is highly recommended for all levels of students. This training has received great feedback from students and is highly recommended for all levels of dancers. Regardless of your current salsa level you can greatly benefit from understanding salsa music more in-depth. This training will pave the way for you to become much more musical salsa dancer. This will potentially greatly not only help you have much more fun on the dancefloor, but will prepare you to vastly improve your skills and expression on the dancefloor. In this training we will also have professional musicians teaching us about the different instruments in salsa music. You will learn many different ways you can express salsa music on the dancefloor and even learn how to play the different rhythm instruments. Your trainer: Mikko Kemppe along with professional musicians.
SUNDAY’S @ 15:00 - 16:30
KONALA: Hankasuontie 3
Total training hours: 24hrs
Normal season fee 415€ / Student
Refund policy: No refunds. It is possible in some instances for the student to compensate missed rehearsals by attending the rehearsals of another training team.
Note: Limited number of spaces available.