Easy Guitar Repertoire in Tablature
The book contains 57 small guitar pieces in tablature notation. The charming illustration is by Terhi Varonen. The book was written to overcome the lack of basic original material composed in tablature. The difficulty level of the pieces starts at zero, and by the end you are around grade 1 - 2. With a teacher, the book can also be used as a guitar method. Tablature is a good aid for beginners; learning new pieces is quick and even complex pieces can be played early on. Once you have some skill, learning standard notation becomes easy. You can download the book after payment. You will also receive an email with download instructions. Printed book - with titles in Finnish, Swedish and English - is available at Ostinato Sheet Music Shop https://ostinato.fi/en/ and at Toteemipuoti https://kauppa.musiikkitoteemi.fi/.