28th of November at 11:30-16:00 Balanssi Studiot (Tallberginkatu 1 D)
This products contains both workshops:
11:30-13:30 Metalicious workshop (open level) Active and intensive Metal Bellydance workshop with Diana Bastet as a total dive into spiced dancing to heavy metal music by combining power and grace, sexuality and strength, passion and confidence, fire and darkness. Good warm-up and good combos with the best heavy metal music.
14:00-16:00 Choreography workshop (open level) Learn Metal Bellydance choreography to Rotting Christ's Ze Nigmar with Diana Bastet.
Please note that the registration is binding! The money will be returned to you ONLY if the event is cancelled by the organizers. This might happen, if there aren't enough participants for a certain workshop/workshops or in a force majeure situation, such as a natural disaster, pandemic etc. The organiser reserves the right to make alterations to the event.
Please contact us: darkfusionfinland@gmail.com if any questions arise.