
Ensemble: Grannies Solve Crimes - Eveliina Vulkko


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Product description

Workshop description

This workshop trains the group to perform in the evening show. The show format is a cosy crime mystery where a group of elderly people solve a mystery whilst reminiscing about their youth, trying to find their glasses and the rest. Each character will be given character traits by the audience to inspire them. The crime will also be given by the audience.

In the workshop we will practise physical character building tools, monologues and dialogues and learn to play together and have fun whilst playing the format.

Eveliina Vulkko

Eveliina Vulkko fell in love with improv in 2010 through long form story telling. Since then she has performed in numerous improv shows with both long form and short form show formats. By day she uses her skills of teambuilding as a history and society studies teacher, in the evenings and weekends, she enjoys spreading the joy of improv and her approach to it teaching courses or workshops. Currently Eveliina studies drama education. She has started her own improv company Improteatteri Meri, which is situated in Kotka, Finland. Eveliina is passionate about building safe spaces for improv groups to work in and aspires to one day be a grand old improv mama.


  • Time: Saturday 7th of October, 2023 @ 13–18
  • Location: Games as Art Center - Voimakatu 11, 33100 Tampere
  • Level: All improviser levels welcome

Finland Improv ry