
The Impro Clinic - Tailor-Made for You! - Hazel Salminen


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Product description

Workshop description

Have you been doing improv for a while, but now you feel a bit stuck? Do you love improvising, but there's this one thing that you wish would be more fun? Or easier? Is there something that you have been struggling with on stage or in rehearsals? Bring your improv woes to the Impro Clinic, and we'll work together to make them "yays" instead. This is a workshop tailor-made for the participants. Through exercises and conversation, we will work on moving a bit closer to who we want to be as improvisers, and on getting bit more unstuck.

Hazel Salminen

Administrator by day, improviser by night

I have been doing improv theatre since 2006, and teaching increasingly since 2014.

Currently company member of the professional improvisation group Stjärnfall (www.stjarnfall.fi), teaching the Swedish-language Student Theatre's impro group IMP (www.studentteatern.fi). Also member of ImproJektori, doing improvised karaoke (Mikäoke).

Producing IMP's performances and other improvisation events together with Jacintha Damström. I've been performing with Stjärnfall, IMP, and ImproJektori in Helsinki as well as at festivals in Turku, Tampere, and Vaasa, and abroad in Uppsala and Gothenburg, Sweden, Barcelona, Spain, and Bangalore, India. In addition, I've been coaching various groups and offered open workshops.

I've taken intensive improv courses e.g. with Keith Johnstone; Susan Messing and Rachael Mason; and theatre (acting, directing) summer courses at the Ecole Jacques Lecoq in France and the Actors Space in Spain.

I also do fun admin for Stjärnfall (earlier, Chair of the board, currently treasurer) and IMP (earlier, board member, currently non-profit adviser).


  • Time: Sunday 8th of October, 2023 @ 14–17
  • Location: Games as Art Center - Voimakatu 11, 33100 Tampere
  • Level: Intermediate / Advanced

Finland Improv ry