
Story, Improv and Conflicts - Reeta Annala


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Product description

Workshop description

Conflicts are part of the story. How to use storytelling methods as an improvisation technique? An improvisational actor and screenwriter combine their lessons and share ways to playfully engage an audience. And to make collaborative work fun. The work doesn't have to be conflict-filled, just a story.

Reeta Annala

Reeta Annala is an improv actor and trainer. She has just graduated from Aalto University with a Master's degree in screenwriting. At school she has written, directed and worked as a showrunner.

Annala has thaught improv in Tampere and Helsinki. She has worked as an actor in Tampereen improvisaatioteatteri Snorkkeli and is currently a member of the Improvokaatio collective. Their autumn performances are at KOKO Theatre in Helsinki. The formats are Niskavuoren naisia, inspired by the plays of Hella Wuolijoki and Tulevaisuus vailla menneisyyttä, inspired by the style of Kaurismäki.

Annala is fascinated by different stories and the things that happen between people. "The greatest thing in the world is people and humanity, and the improv rule of 'mistakes are a gift' is a wonderful gift in a world striving for perfection."


  • Time: Sunday 8th of October, 2023 @ 10–13
  • Location: Games as Art Center - Voimakatu 11, 33100 Tampere
  • Level: Intermediate / Advanced

Finland Improv ry