
The Secret - Jenna Teinilä


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Product description

Workshop Info

"To act" is a verb that suggest actor to do something. In improv actors don't have any rehearsed choreography or plans for the show, so they must have total co-understanding and will to play together. Key word is "play". The best way to play together is with positive tension between actors, sparkle and understanding how to make co-actor shine and sparkle. The Secret -workshop is a search to find the sparkle and take it as a tool in your improv skills!

Jenna Teinilä

Professional actress (FIA), Artist and theatre director and teacher. I've been working in Tampereen Improvisaatioteatteri Snorkkeli as an actress for 9 years and I've been teaching several impro classes in Suomen Teatteriopisto and workshops. At the moment I'm in process with my own solo act Mielikuvitushyppy!


  • Time: Saturday 7th of October, 2023 @ 09–12
  • Location: Games as Art Center - Voimakatu 11, 33100 Tampere
  • Level: All improviser levels welcome

Finland Improv ry