We wanted to encourage friends of WhisKY to visit more tastings! Your membership is valid for 1 year, from the date you purchased it. While the membership is valid you get a discount of two (2) euros for every tasting and you can buy the tickets before non-members. The membership fee must be paid before voting in association meetings and before you can run for the board. You can also join the association by paying the fee and filling the form in the checkout.
You will get a personal discount code for to your email together with a reminder of upcoming tastings before sale of the tickets begins. So, not only will you get cheaper events, but no tasting will go unnoticed for the next year! If you do not wish to receive a monthly email updates that contain your discount code, leave the box asking for marketing permissions empty. You may then contact the board directly if you wish to get a discount for a tasting. You will get the first discount code (valid for the tasting of the current month) to your email with the purchase confirmation.
We are required to provide some information about our members to AYY and KY (municipality, membership of AYY or KY), however no other personal information will be shared by third parties and none will be stored after the membership has ended. We require an email address in order to send discount codes and early sign up links to events, we will not send anything else. We require a full name in order to check that everyone who uses a discount code or votes is truly a member, as explained below.
The purpose of the fee is to encourage you to visit more tastings. The discount code is personal and intended for your own use only. Do not share it or buy your friends discount tickets. We will inspect all tickets sold. If you want to buy tickets to your friends, you unfortunately need to make a separate purchase, without applying the discount code for these tickets. You will get notified 2 weeks before your membership validity ends so you can renew it. Note that you should come to the tasting yourself if you apply the discount! If you for some unexpected reason can not attend the event, please notify the board before selling forward a discount ticket! We may require the person buying a discount ticket to pay the difference if they are not a member. Each discount code is valid only to the corresponding tasting. Discounts can not be saved or joined. The discount code can be used only once per tasting and only by the member themselves. The tickets sold will be inspected and misuse will be dealt in accordance with the association rules. Abuse may result in invalidation of the ticket or membership without refund. Note that only the students of Aalto University can be full members of the association. Others are encouraged to join and they get the same benefits, but may not vote.