We offer online events for ocean topics and stories to support ocean life. The online events cooperations products, logo places packages and webinars sponsoring services are found here. The more precise upcoming online event schedules are found at totheoceans.com events …
We offer online events for ocean topics and stories to support ocean life.
The online events cooperations products, logo places packages and webinars sponsoring services are found here.
The more precise upcoming online event schedules are found at totheoceans.com events page.
Before the webinars and online shows begin, the sponsorship tickets and cooperations packages can be purchased here.
All services are cooperations contents with To the Oceans Project.
Please check out this shops products and find the best suitable one for You.
There are individual and company packages offered.
Welcome to support our oceans work with Your sponsorship purchase.
Logo places are available to the site, a published blog or a participation to an upcoming webinar is a wonderful way to influence oceans protections work by totheoceans.com and cooperation in webinars offers interesting topics with inspiring guests invited!
Let us also know of Your possible additional wishes for other cooperations packages to be designed together with us as new online events and webinars!
We enable our cooperators to be visible during the internet ocean advocacy events and blogs remain at the site for global readers.
Our work creates new webinar teams and titles around oceans protections communication programs at the home pages totheoceans.com
Positive and delightful sea talks are something we can wish to enhance together within the international To the Oceans Project.
All our online events are family-friendly and inspiring with interesting guests and topics of the marine life!
Contact for more information: Project Manager Sini Kunnas, sini@totheoceans.com
Welcome to visit totheoceans.com!
We hope our services offer one for You and please let us know how we can assist!
Contact: Project manager Sini Kunnas +358409300203