Joining fee

Joining fee


Product description

Membership fee for membership of the Materiaali Alumni ry. Name, email, ect. on are used for the membership register. The questions for next step will be asked for a payment transaction.

The mandatory entries in the membership register are the name, email address, and domicile. In addition to this, we would like to fill out other information related to the studies and the current job where the association can identify the potential impact of their members' employment and studies. In addition, the contact information provided can be used for contacts with the association's activities, such as organizing excursions, and to pass on the information to the Guild of Material Engineers in carefully considered cases for excursion and contact information purposes. The association may use the study and employment data to compile statistics related to this information, from which individuals can not be identified. Membership data will not be used for purposes other than those. If you do not want your information to be used in these situations or you have an affair related to the association's activities or affairs, please give us mail on hallitus(at)materiaalialumni.fi

Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston Materiaalialumni ry:n verkkokauppa