A good cop on a tough beat, Jack Caine (Dolph Lundgren) thought he'd dealt with every kind of crime on earth. But now, someone is using human bodies to manufacture narcotics. Someone-or something-not of this world. To the alien, humans present ideal drug factories. The process is simple, the drugs are perfect, and it doesn't matter that people die. To detective Caine, the alien represents mankind's worst threat. If his mission succeeds, his comrades follow-and the planet will be destroyed. How do you fight the most powerful evil on earth? Any way you can-and with everything you've got. Along with his straight-arrow FBI partner, Laurence Smith (Brian Benben), and his girlfriend, city coroner Diane Pallone (Betsy Brantley), Caine is going to send this alien home in pieces...or die trying!
Dark Angel (USA 1990)
Ohjaus: Craig R. Baxley
Näyttelijät: Dolph Lundgren, Brian Benben, Jim Haynie, Michael J. Pollard, Jesse Vint, Al Leong
Julkaisu: Final Cut Entertainment - Iso-Britannia
Formaatti: Blu-ray
Aluekoodi: B
Kuvaformaatti: 16:9 – 1080p
Kuvasuhde: 1.85:1
Kesto: 92 min
englanti: 2.0 Stereo LPCM
TOIMITUSKULUT 5,90 € / lähetys, riippumatta lähetyksen koosta.
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