Savage Three – Fango bollente (Italia 1975) DVD

Product description


What in the eyes of datacenter employee Ovidio begins as a seemingly harmless experiment with rats soon escalates more and more into unimaginable excesses of violence. Be it in the Juventus soccer stadium or the streets and squares of Turin – nobody seems to be safe from Ovidio and his two friends Giacomo and Peppe. On their hunt for the ultimate thrill, the savage three try to escape the dreariness of their everyday lives. Only the already tired and maimed commissioner Santagà instinctively anticipates the destructive urge dwelling inside Ovidio. A psychologically unfathomable game ensues between the two – until the bitter end...

As one of the most unusual polizieschi of all times, Fango Bollente is at the same time an orgy of uninhibited violence and sex as well as a social and psychological study. Director Vittorio Salerno unleashes pop-art icon Joe Dallesandro, accompanied by wild progressive rock, upon the Turinese. Fango Bollente is an extremely brutal film which nevertheless manages to unfurl in a subtle and detailed fashion the atmosphere and background of Italy’s “Years of Lead”. One of the highlights of the genre that is still highly topical.

Savage Three – Fango bollente (Italia 1975)
Ohjaus: Vittorio Salerno
Näyttelijät: Joe Dallesandro, Martine Brochard, Enrico Maria Salerno, Gianfranco De Grassi

Julkaisu: Camera Obscura - Saksa
Formaatti: DVD
Aluekoodi: 2
Kuvaformaatti: Anamorfinen - pal
Kuvasuhde: 1.85:1
Kesto: 81 min

italia: Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono

englanti, saksa

Commentary by Film Experts Christian Keßler and Pelle Felsch
Rat Eat Rat – featurette featuring regisseur Vittorio Salerno and Actress Martine Brochard
Me and Duccio - featurette featuring actor Joe Dallesandro
Essay by Robert Zion

TOIMITUSKULUT 5,90 € / lähetys, riippumatta lähetyksen koosta.

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