When is an act of love an act of murder?
Did Rebecca Carlson (MADONNA) use her body as a weapon for murder or instrument for love? Carlson, a striking and seductive young gallery owner, stands accused of using her sexual wiles to murder her much older and very wealthy lover in order to inherit his estate. Ambitious District Attorney, Robert Garrett (JOE MANTEGNA), presses for a conviction and his primary witness is Joanne Braslow (ANNE ARCHER), the victim’s very devoted personal secretary who is armed with eyewitness accusations about Carlson’s deviant ways. Carlson hires Portland, Oregon’s finest attorney to defend her, the aggressive and cocky Frank Dulaney (WILLEM DAFOE). He is a seemingly straight-laced family man taking on a case of prurient proportions. With Dulaney’s powers of persuasion, Carlson has the best possible defence as the dramatic trial unfolds. Will Dulaney be able to defend himself from the extraordinary allure of his new client? And how will his obsessive curiosity about Carlson allow him to objectively examine the body of evidence before him?
Body of Evidence (USA 1993)
Ohjaus: Uli Edel
Näyttelijät: Madonna, Willem Dafoe, Anne Archer, Julianne Moore, Joe Mantegna, Michael Forest
Julkaisu: Final Cut Entertainment - Iso-Britannia
Formaatti: Blu-ray
Aluekoodi: B
Kuvaformaatti: 16:9 – 1080p
Kuvasuhde: 1.85:1
Kesto: 101 min
englanti: LPCM 2.0
englanti SDH
BODY TALK: Undressing Madonna's controversial cult classic
EVIDENCE OF EXCELLENCE: The scandal, sex and shocks of a provocative pot-boiler
EROTIC INCLINATIONS: Kim Newman on the early nineties skin-flick phenomenon
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