
Annika Marking (SWE) / jatkotaso 5.4. klo 11.30 - 13.00 Helsinki

Kurssit/Workshops - Suomen Sambakoulujen Liitto


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Product description

Helsingin aikuisopisto, Annankatu 29B, sisäpiha, 1. kerros, sali 1 https://helao.fi/ilmoittautumisohjeet/saapuminen/annankadun-liikuntatilat/

Kuvaus: In these workshops, we will be working on our basic samba technique, with a focus on posture, elegance and speed. You will also be challenged with fun sequences that will allow you to explore and evolve the musicality of your dance.

Työstetään perus sambatekniikkaa keskittyen ryhtiin, eleganssiin ja nopeuteen. Haastetaan tanssia myös hauskoilla, lyhyillä sarjoilla, joiden avulla voi kehittää tanssin musikaalisuutta.

About Annika:

Annika found samba when living in Spain 2015 and has been passionate about it ever since. She has trained with several groups in Sweden and since 2017 she is one of the instructors of the Stockholm-based group Alegria do samba. https://www.instagram.com/alegriadosamba/

Annika has won a gold medal in the Swedish Championships (the competition was held only 2013-2014, and after that it turned into SES, Svenskt Encontro de Samba event) and the title "Muse of the European Samba Congress" in Munich 2019 (Congress cancelled 2020-2023 due the pandemic) 2024 Annika again in Munich on 2nd place. Currently Annika is a passista of GRES Salgueiro in Rio de Janeiro (since 2024) Carlinhos Salgueiro had workshops in Stockholm 2023 and arranged a competition, where he chose the best dancer as passista to Salgueiro passista group - that was Annika.

Helsinki Samba Carnaval - by SSKL ry / ASSF