
HSS SWC Try Out Day 2024

Sailing and Windsurfing Center


Product description

The sailing try-out day promises an exhilarating blend of adventure and learning for all who attend. Set against the backdrop of a shimmering expanse of water, the event aims to introduce participants to the joys of sailing while providing a safe and enjoyable environment for novices to take their first steps into this timeless sport.

As attendees arrive, they're greeted by a team of experienced sailors who are eager to share their passion and expertise. The day begins with a comprehensive orientation session, where participants learn the basics of sailing, including terminology, safety procedures, and how to handle the boat.

Once equipped with the necessary knowledge, it's time to hit the water. Participants are paired with seasoned sailors who guide them through every step of the journey, from hoisting the sails to navigating the winds and waves. Whether they're steering the boat or trimming the sails, everyone has the opportunity to actively participate and feel the thrill of harnessing the power of the wind.

Programm: (1) Arrival Check-in / handing out life vests,

(2) After A quick introduction about HSS, the sailing and windsurfing center and the island, the participants begin with a short theory & safety session during which the Coach goes through the basics of sailing.

(3) Following, participants will be taken to the waters. In more than one person's Boats in a RS Toura class , participants sail under the guidance of experienced Sailors. Participants will be able to experiment with sail trimming and boat steering.

When: 8th of June You can either choose either 1pm or 3pm Slot.

What includes intro, safety, theory and hands on sailing on the water Where: HSS in Liuskasaari, the ferry to the island leaves from Merisatamanranta

Additional Info. FIN ”Kun ostat lipun tapahtumaamme, otathan huomioon, että tapahtumassa otettuja kuvia käytetään ja jaetaan seuramme toimesta. Ostamalla lipun hyväksyt, että kuviasi voidaan käyttää ja julkaista. Lisäksi muistutamme, että jokaisella osallistujalla tulisi olla oma vapaa-ajan tapaturmavakuutus, sillä seura ei valitettavasti pysty korvaamaan tapahtuman aikana sattuneita esine- tai henkilövahinkoja. Turvallisuutesi on meille tärkeää, joten varmistathan, että olet asianmukaisesti suojattu ennen tapahtumaan saapumista. Kiitos ymmärryksestäsi ja innostuksestasi osallistua!”

ENG ”When you purchase a ticket to our event, please note that photos taken during the event may be used and shared by our organization. By purchasing a ticket, you agree that your images may be used and published. Additionally, we remind you that each participant should have their own personal leisure accident insurance, as the organization unfortunately cannot cover any personal or property damage that may occur during the event. Your safety is important to us, so please ensure you are adequately protected before arriving at the event. Thank you for your understanding and enthusiasm to participate!”