
New Years menu 31.12.2024 5pm-7pm


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Product description

31.12.2024 Menu is for one person. Includes Llama Aviation & Queen Sooda + either class of Champagne or Artesanal Nail *We can fix it for some allergies, sugarfree or citrus free is not an optionReservation time 2 hours with this menuK-18No refundIF you get sick and let us know on day before- you get 50€ giftcardyou can als pass this to friend. Your name is your ticketNo phones & no photosPayment methods are credit card with chip and pin code or cash if you want more rounds info with email afternoon@chihuahuajulep.fiArtesanal Nail=Union Uno mezcal, Michter's rye, Drambuie, Salty lemon, sage. Llama Aviation=La Diablada Pisco, violet lqueur, lemon, Maranchino. Quuen Sooda=Old Virginia Bourbon, vanilla, bilberry, raspberry, strawberry, pin graperfruit**

Chihuahua Julep Shop