
4- Week beginner course at Sähinä

Abrazo Tango Milongas, lessons and courses


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Product description

Join us for a 4 lesson Beginner Tango Course where you'll learn the fundamentals of this beautiful dance. 4-week short courses starting on: 4.2; 4.3; 1.4; 29.4; and 27.5 

Whether you’re completely new to tango or looking to brush up on the basics, this course will give you the basics to understand how to move together as well as basic patterns. We aim at creating a friendly and welcoming environment, perfect for beginners.

✅No previous experience or special skills needed ✅Come with or without a partner 🇫🇮 Puhutaan myös Suomea!

When: Tuesdays 18.00 - 19.30 / starting on 4.2; 4.3; 1.4; 29.4; and 27.5 Where: Kulttuurikeskus Sähinä, Heikkiläntie 10, 3rd floor, Lauttasaari. Price: 60€ per person

Reservations: https://forms.gle/8WwWGVEYq4gG7Zda9

Instructor: Nadia Tapia (CL/FI) www.abrazotango.fi

Abrazo Tango