Feng Shui perusteet / Feng Shui basics booklet

Includes a digital download
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Oikopolku Feng Shuin maailmaan Sinulle, jolla ei ole aikaa perehtyä valtavaan aiheesta saatavilla olevaan tietomäärään. Tässä kirjasessa esittelen lyhyesti Feng Shui`n perusperiaatteita sekä annan selkeät ohjeet, joiden avulla saat kotisi tai toimistosi energian tukemaan tavoitteitasi.

A shortcut to the world of Feng Shui for those of you who don't have time to familiarize yourself with the huge amount of information available on the subject. In this booklet I briefly introduce the basic principles of Feng Shui and give clear instructions, with which you can get the energy of your home or office to support your goals. I`ll send a link for the english version within 12hours from your purchase if requested.