
Sexual Counseling Session (Couples) 90min



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Product description

Sexual counseling is a confidential approach to addressing and treating sexual issues. In sexual counseling, we set goals together and go through different methods to achieve them. The counseling can involve discussions about sexual orientation, gender identity, relationship forms, and the effects of illness, life situations, or disabilities on sexuality and relationships. You can attend sexual counseling alone, with a partner/partners, or as part of a polyamorous pod/family.

For more information, email me at info@miarenwall.com

The sessions are confidential.

Book a online time on Zoom HERE.

Mia Renwall is a NARM informed sexual counselor and tantrateacher from Helsinki, Finland. Her expertise are topics like; Neurodiversity, Traumasensitive coaching, Non-Violent Communication and Mediation, Authentic Relating games for couples and Tantric Exercises to streghten the connection and intimacy in your relationships.

Mia Renwall