You can support Mika Vauhkala to stay strong in the battle for basic human rights by shopping here at Boldberg shop
Now cool t-shirts available and stickers with different themes
Let´s kick the butt of the tyrants of our time😎 …
Let´s kick the butt of the tyrants of our time😎
Note. With t-shirts the delivery time is estimated to be 3-4 weeks from the order for now.
The buyer is responsible for shipping fees. Stickers are 3 Eur, t-shirts 6.90 Eur. For now the t-shirt shipping fee will be invoiced separately.
"Miss information" BLACK V-shape, size S, text on the FRONT
"Miss information" BLACK V-shape t-shirt Pick up from central Helsinki or mailed to you If mailed, 5.90 Eur will be …
"Miss information" WHITE V-shape, size M, text on the FRONT
"Miss information" WHITE V-shape t-shirt Pick up from central Helsinki or mailed to you If mailed, 5.90 Eur will be …
"Miss information" WHITE, size S, text on the FRONT
"Miss information" WHITE t-shirt Pick up from central Helsinki or mailed to you If mailed, 5.90 Eur will be charged …
"Miss information" WHITE V-shape, size M, text on the BACK
"Miss information" WHITE V-shape t-shirt Note. Text on the BACK Pick up from central Helsinki or mailed to you If …
"Miss information" WHITE V-shape, size S, text on the FRONT
Nouto Helsingistä tai postitus Jos postitus, 5.90 Eur laskutetaan erikseen
SUE EM´ALL, size M, text on the FRONT
SUE EM´ALL, size M, text on the FRONT Pick up from central Helsinki or mailed to you If mailed, 5.90 …
"Miss information" BLACK V-shape, size L, text on the FRONT
"Miss information" BLACK V-shape t-shirt Pick up t-shirt from central Helsinki or mailed to you
"Miss information" BLACK V-shape, size XL, text on the FRONT
FREE.HUMAN. Size S, Text on the Back mailed or pick up from Hki
Have your say and take a stand by wearing this. The shipping possible in Finland. shipping in Finland 5.90 Eur …
ALPHA MALE VARIANT T-shirt . XL Size- mailed or pick up from Hki
ALPHA MALE VARIANT T-shirt is for men who do not bow to tyrants of our time. XL Size Shipping to …
ALPHA MALE VARIANT T-shirt . L Size- mailed or pick up from Hki
ALPHA MALE VARIANT T-shirt is for men who do not bow to tyrants of our time. L Size Shipping to …
ALPHA MALE VARIANT T-shirt . XXL Size mailed or pick up from Hki
ALPHA MALE VARIANT T-shirt is for men who do not bow to tyrants of our time. XXL Size Shipping to …
"KULKUTAUTIMYÖNTEINEN", size M, by mail or pick up from Helsinki
"KULKUTAUTIMYÖNTEINEN" was a mock name given by Finnish journalist, it means "positive for infectious disease". You got called that if …
ALPHA MALE VARIANT T-shirt . M Size- mailed or pick up from Hki
ALPHA MALE VARIANT T-shirt is for men who do not bow to tyrants of our time. M Size Shipping to …
"Miss information" BLACK V-shape, size S, text on the BACK
"Miss information" BLACK V-shape t-shirt Note. TEXT ON THE BACK Pick up from central Helsinki or mailed to you If …
"Miss information" WHITE, size L, text on the FRONT
"Miss information" WHITE V-shape, size L, text on the BACK
SUE EM´ALL, size L, text on the BACK
SUE EM´ALL, size L, text on the BACK Pick up from central Helsinki or mailed to you If mailed, 5.90 …
FREE.HUMAN. T-shirt. Size XL, mailed or pick up from Helsinki